/MINING ACADEMY/ How to Earn Money through Cloud Mining on BitFuFu?/

How to Earn Money through Cloud Mining on BitFuFu?

Category:Mining FAQAuthor:BitFuFu2023.08.16Cloud Mining

When purchasing cloud hashpower products on BitFuFu, it's important to pay attention to your purchasing strategy as different strategies have a significant impact on mining output.

1. Strategies for Purchasing Products

   Cloud hashpower products can be purchased and electricity fees can be paid using BTC. After hashpower is operational, daily BTC outputs are generated. Thus, future BTC outputs can be used to pay for future electricity fees.

   Under a fixed investment amount, funds from service fees can be reinvested to purchase more hashpower. The BTC outputs can then be used to cover future electricity fees. Electricity fees are denominated in USD, so if BTC appreciates when paying electricity fees, the BTC expenses for electricity fees decrease, preserving more of the coin-based output.

   Investment Strategy Comparison:

Initial Investment
Purchase Period
Service Fee Payment Plan
Max Hashrate Purchase
Output Equivalent
Subsequent Service Fee Investment
Static Yield
Static Earnings (=Output Equivalent - Initial Investment - Subsequent Service Fee Investment)
Plan 1
10000 USDT
180 days
Full Service Fee Payment
820 TH/s
10702.8 USDT
702.8 USDT
Plan 2
10000 USDT
180 days
Initial 10 days, Batch Service Fee Payment
1950 TH/s
25,450.2 USDT
1759.3 USDT

Static Output Ratio = Net output / First Day Payment

2. Calculation of Earnings

  Each user should independently calculate their own earnings and have autonomous control over the input-output of cloud mining.

  Static mining yield = Purchased Hashrate (Th/s) * Actual Payment Period * Theoretical Mining Output for that day (Refer to mining pool output earnings calculation)

  Expected earnings = Equivalent Amount - Initial Investment (Initial Payment) Amount - Mid-Term Investment (Subsequent Service Fee) Amount

  Coin Yield Rate = (Coin Quantity Earned - BTC-equivalent of Invested Funds) / BTC-equivalent of Invested Funds * 100%

Earning through cloud mining requires considering multiple factors, including purchasing strategy, expected returns, coin yield rate, and more. In an upward trending market cycle, employing a strategy that involves investing in additional hashrate and using the generated yield to cover ongoing service fees can yield optimal earning outcomes.

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